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Estimated delivery dates

The estimated delivery dates must be considered only from the confirmation of payment of the order. Please, note that because we use PayPal it may take up to 48h for your order to be confirmed, upon analyses.

After the payment has been confirmed, we ask for 5 weekdays to post your order.

Because our mill is in the countryside, we go to the post office on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Depending on the type of delivery selected during the purchase, and depending on the distance, the delivery estimate date will vary. It is calculated by the postal services of Brazil and of your country.

Estimated delivery dates within Brazil

By PAC: After the 5 days mentioned above, from 5 to 10 weekdays.

By Sedex: After the 5 days mentioned above, from 3 to 7 weekdays.

To contact Moinho Brasil you can either e-mail us at or fill the form on our “Contact” page.

​​Estimated delivery dates for other countries

We ask you to contact us directly at preferably before placing an order. The prices and dates available in our online store are calculated by the Brazilian postal services. Either way, it will take between 8 and 40 week days for your order to arrive depending on the destination country.

We highly recommend delivery services with tracking number and insurance.

Please, remember that deliveries are made by the Brazilian postal service and the destination countries postal service, and sometimes delays may occur.

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